Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day Five -- Living by the Golden Rule -- Following the Prince of Peace

Today we look at the call to be peacemakers for Christ.

As Christians,. we pray for peace in our world. The Bible shows us that peace is far better than war, for we long for the time of Jesus Reconciling all things, when war shall be no more, and when swords shall become plows for the tilling of the field.

But peacemaking is not just the work of diplomats like the Secretary of State. Peacemaking begins right on the street where you live. It is not just about international affairs – it is about personal problems between people you may know, about local domestic strife, racism, injustice and hatred.

As Christians we are followers of the Prince of Peace. We should strive to be peacemakers in our churches and communities, showing kindness and love and compassion to all we meet. Think of How Gods reputation is affected by how we treat others?

Jesus said in John 17: “My prayer for all of them is that they will be one, just as you and I are one, Father—that just as you are in me and I am in you, so they will be in us, and the world will believe you sent me." Jesus is the ultimate peacemaker and true peace can only come through him. He makes us at peace with God so that we might pass that peace to others in our lives.

God intends for us to be at peace --with God, within ourselves, and with others

 Jesus paid the ultimate peace price & He wants us to pay the peace price
 Dying to self and own desires Dying to the right to be indignant
 Dying to the right of reply learning to say ‘Sorry’ and mean it
 Peacemaking is a lifestyle not just for conflicts, but in all of life

Sadly, many do not know there is such a thing as peace and forgiveness

Lies that destroy peace include --look out for number one! Dont get mad, get even! I NEED REVENGE! Then there are the lies of prejudice and intolerance, some fostered by misinterpretation and misapplication of some religious Holy books, even at times the Bible itself.

What if we were to see every situation as allowed by God for a specific purpose for good?

How would your feelings, attitude and behaviour change if you saw this situation as an assignment from a loving, all powerful God for your good?

 Acknowledge God in prayer, bringing your situation to Him
 Resolve to Obey Gods commands
 Resolve to Serve others even in conflict

But first, we must get that log out! Jesus said, "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye." (Matthew 7:5)

At its root, peacemaking stands on Jesus Golden Rule from the Sermon on the Mount. "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you." (Matthew 7:12, NIV)

I firmly believe if we would all begin to live by the Golden Rule in every area of our lives, this world would become a much better place to live. Jesus said “This sums up the Law and the Prophets” – the heart of the Hebrew Scriptures.

Keeping the Golden Rule should be a goal for every Christian each day of their lives. As peacemakers following the Prince of Peace, let us strive to make 2008 the “Year of the Golden Rule.”

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