Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Six Ways to Jump Start Your Prayer Life!

Six Ways to Jump Start Your Prayer Life if you seem to be coasting a bit -- Here comes some enthusiasm in these practices!

1.. SPEND YOUR ENTIRE TIME WITH GOD SINGING and praising Him. Church hymnals and books of choruses are great resources to enliven your quiet time with personal worship. You might even try creating a song of your own!

2. DANCE BEFORE THE LORD like David, who danced "with all his might" (2 Sam. 6:14). David's dancing was a heartfelt and spontaneous expression of rejoicing. So put on your favorite hymn or praise song, and dance away. Interpretive dance is a wonderful way to express your heart and soul in praise before God. If you enjoy Jewish folk dancing, ballet, or some other kind of dance, dedicate your talent to God. When you are alone with God, you can move beyond any embarassment you might feel if someone else was around. Just let go and enjoy God!

3. WRITE DOWN EVERY SIN that continues to haunt you. Then write 1 Jn. 1:9 over each sin. Destroy the list—God has. This is a strong visual reminder of how God blots out your sin.

4. WRITE OUT a Philippians 4:8 list. What is lovely to you, worthy of praise, excellent, etc.? Hang the list in a place where you tend to be grumpy, such as above the washer and dryer or on the dashboard of your car for that frustrating commute!

5. PRAY IN A POSTURE you don't normally use. Try praying on your knees, prone, or standing with your face to the heavens and your hands raised in worship. It's amazing how simply changing your posture before God can change your attitude and help you experience Him in new ways.

6. READ A DIFFERENT TRANSLATION of the Bible. I started doing this one again yesterday, and am struggling with the Psalms in The Message paraphrase. I trust I will grow to appreciate the insights as I grow more confident in moving beyond the familiar memories of Psalms I know so well and love. You might consider purchasing a Bible that has several translations in parallel. Reading a new translation or comparing different ones can stimulate new insights into Scripture. If you've used and marked up one particular Bible for many years, reading a different Bible will enable you to see the Word with new vision. Because your eyes will not be drawn to notes and highlighted passages from previous study or devotional reading, the Scriptures will feel as beautiful and inviting as a fresh snowfall on a crisp winter morn.

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Here you will find inspiration and encouragement for your prayer life. Prayer is the great gift of God to us. Make use of it often. It is supernatural lightning in the Book. It is the Holy Spirit partnering with you. It is how you touch the face of God.

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